Community Mourns Death of Mike Russell, SCEMD’s Chief of Operations


We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Mike Russell. He was the Chief of Operations at the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD). Mike passed away peacefully last evening after battling illness. He leaves behind a legacy of dedication and service to the people of South Carolina.

A Lifetime of Service


Mike worked at SCEMD for many years. He played key roles in disaster response and management. His work was crucial during the 2014 ice storm, the 2015 Great Flood, and many other crises. He led efforts to protect our communities in tough times.

Leadership and Innovation


Mike, first as Hurricane Program Manager and then as Chief of Operations, led key efforts. These improved hurricane preparation and response in the state. His work included creating evacuation zones, enhancing shelter management, and collaborating with state agencies on effective disaster prevention.

Personal Reflections

Mike was not only successful professionally but also adored animals, especially dogs. He showed his kindness by finding homes for many dogs among SCEMD staff. This highlighted his caring nature alongside his work as an emergency manager.

Fond Memories and Legacy

Chief Mike Russell’s impact goes beyond his professional achievements. He’s remembered for his humor, dedication to colleagues, and sweet treats like candy and puppy cookies. Most importantly, he’s committed to SCEMD’s mission. Those who worked with him cherish these qualities.

Farewell, Mike

We are saddened by Mike Russell’s passing. However, we take comfort in his significant impact on our state’s safety and resilience. His legacy will live on through the lives he influenced and the lasting changes he made in emergency management in South Carolina.

Rest in peace, Mike. Your legacy of service, leadership, and compassion will never be forgotten.


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