Brian Blomain Obituary: Associate Attorney at Marshall Dennehey in Scranton, PA, Dies Suddenly


Brian Blomain, a well-liked Associate Attorney at Marshall Dennehey, passed away suddenly. This tragic event in Scranton, Pennsylvania, left loved ones, coworkers, and the legal community in deep shock. His unexpected death caused widespread grief.

A Dedicated and Passionate Attorney

Brian Blomain was more than just an attorney; he was a passionate advocate for justice. Known for his commitment to his work, he was a kind-hearted individual who cherished his friends, family, and profession. His sudden passing has created an irreplaceable void.


Family and Personal Life

Brian was a loving son, brother, and friend. His family was his pillar of support, and he treasured every moment spent with them. His parents remember him as a good-hearted young man who always put others’ needs before his own. His brother, Erik Scott Blomain, was not only his sibling but also his confidant and best friend.

Academic and Professional Background

Brian’s educational background was impressive, with degrees from Villanova, Loyola, and Scranton. He graduated in 2010, 2007, and 2003 respectively. Brian was also a member of the Phi Tau Honor Society, indicating his academic excellence. Before Marshall Dennehey’s casualty section, Brian worked as an Associate Attorney at Capehart Scatchard & Margolis Edelstein.


Professional Achievements and Contributions

Brian was a highly respected attorney, licensed to practice law in multiple states. His knowledge and dedication earned him the respect of both his clients and peers. His colleagues at Marshall Dennehey frequently sought his advice, particularly valuing his expertise in the casualty department. He was known for his sharp legal mind and unwavering passion for justice.

Personal Reflections

Every action Brian took was a reflection of his love for his family. He was a caring brother, friend, and son. His parents remember him as a considerate son who always prioritized their needs. Erik, his brother, remembers him as a wonderful confidant and buddy.

Legacy and Impact

Brian’s devotion to his work was unparalleled. He was a dedicated attorney who tirelessly defended his clients. His colleagues and clients alike admired him for his empathetic and caring nature. His passing has left a significant gap in the legal community.


Brian Blomain’s influence on the legal profession and the lives of those who knew him will always be remembered. He was a genuine asset to the field, and his loss is deeply felt by his loved ones, friends, and coworkers. His memory will endure as a dedicated, caring, and kind individual who always put the needs of others before his own.


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