Cooling Trends in Austin’s Once Hot Housing Market


Austin was once a red-hot seller’s market. Now, it’s navigating a period of cooling trends and economic adjustments. This is impacting both buyers and sellers.

Market Dynamics: From Hot to Lukewarm

Audrey McGlinchy from KUT discusses Austin’s housing market. Prices have fallen over the past year. This was mainly due to rising mortgage rates and job market shifts.


Impact of Rising Mortgage Rates

Historically low mortgage rates during the pandemic drove housing prices to record highs. However, with rates climbing back to pre-pandemic levels (around 6-8%), fewer buyers qualify for loans, reducing competition and leading to price adjustments.

Economic Factors at Play

Tech industry layoffs and a changing employment landscape contribute to a slight dip in employment rates, influencing housing demand and affordability in Austin.


Comparative Affordability

Despite adjustments, Austin is still more affordable than cities like San Francisco and New York. Its median home prices are around $500,000, giving a comparative advantage to potential buyers.

Transition to a Balanced Market

Austin shifts from a seller’s market to a balanced one, necessitating adjustments in pricing expectations and market conditions for successful transactions to occur. Now, neither buyers nor sellers have a distinct advantage.

Migration Trends and Future Outlook

Recent census data shows a trend of people leaving Travis County. It may further affect housing demand and pricing. This will depend on the incomes and demographics of incoming and outgoing residents.

Looking Ahead

Austin is adapting to these shifts. Continued monitoring of economic indicators and housing market trends will show insights into the city’s changing real estate.


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