Ava Jones Accident: From Tragedy to Triumph and a New Chapter

In July 2022, Ava Jones and her family were hit by a drunk driver in Louisville during a basketball trip. The crash critically injured Ava, her mom Amy, and Trey, her dad. Sadly, Trey died, and Ava and Amy faced lengthy recoveries, including surgeries.

Ava Jones shared image on facebook

Ava, then 17, had a tough time. Her mom, Amy, recently shared on Facebook that Ava was having surgery to fix her vision and tendons. This was hoped to be the last surgery related to the accident.

Despite her injuries, Ava made a triumphant return to basketball. She wore a knee brace and scored, earning a standing ovation. Before the crash, Ava had committed to play at the University of Iowa. The coach, Lisa Bluder, promised to honor her scholarship, no matter her ability to play.

However, Ava’s injuries forced her to retire. The University of Iowa decided to keep her scholarship. This was after considering advice from doctors and trainers, given her severe injuries.

“We fully support Ava’s decision to step away,” said coach Jan Jensen. Ava showed up for almost every game, offering crucial support from the bench. Her dedication and spirit were praised by the team.

Ava also shared her recovery on YouTube. Her April video, showing her shooting hoops, was well-received.

Despite leaving basketball, Ava will keep her scholarship. This allows the team to look for new players while keeping its promise to Ava.

“I’m grateful for the past season,” Ava said. “Sadly, I have to retire. But I’ll get a great education and remain part of the Hawkeye family.”

Ava’s story is one of resilience, strength, and community support. It continues to inspire others.

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